Here are the details:
milestone 1 –
The website loads SUPER slow before it is cached on the machine. It takes in some cases 30 seconds to a minute to load the first time. This is unacceptable to the client. Can you find a way to make this load quicker? Also, under user content, can you find a way to align all videos? The center video seems higher than the ones on the left and right.
milestone 2 –
I have copy from the client for HomeCraftedApartments. Can you input this copy and develop a mobile-optimized version of the site?
We would like to have milestone 1 and 2 finished by Wednesday end of day.
milestone 3 –
We would like to integrate new features into the HighPoint Town Square website. We would like an orange button in the header that says, “Resident Portal” and we would like to relink the Floor Plans page to a different URL. We would also like to direct all contact forms to a new address.
milestone 4-
We want to auto update videos from YouTube as soon as they are uploaded
Project URL: